Things I learned in 2014:
1. The Serenity Prayer works. Try it and keep trying it until you get it.
2. Being a Realtor has little to do with sales, it's about being of service to people in a challenging time and impacting lives in a positive way.
3. It's okay to state what you want and/or need and neither apologize for it nor explain yourself.
4. Handing someone keys to their new home is an awesome feeling.
5. Hosting 10 UCLA students for a dinner taught me our future is in good hands.
6. Watching collegiate level water polo is fun, exciting, and really great when Stanford wins (or UCLA, but only when not playing Stanford).
7. Becoming part of a church community is rewarding, uplifting and comforting. And you get to sing Christmas carols at Advent.
8. Paso wines just keep getting better and sharing with friends is the best.
9. Friendships forged in challenges are sometimes the strongest bonds.
10. A broken heart can mend, although the crack will always show.
11. Sorority sisters are always there for you. Always. Through anything. For decades.
12. Being my own boss means I really am my own boss. I can dress how I want and attend sales meetings or not, work or not. Get paid, or not. It's all up to me. What a concept. Wish I'd learned this one a while ago.
13. Having a good car mechanic is crucial.
14. Having a good therapist rivals having a good mechanic. I am fortunate to have both.
15. Time spent in Hawaii is good for the soul, and the more time in the water, the better.
16. Family isn't always there for you, but they try the best they know how.
17. Admitting I have little control of anything and surrendering to that has been life changing.
18. I prefer my hair a little less blonde.
19. I love my niece and nephew more every day and can't see enough of them.
20. People can be incredibly cruel.
21. People will remember what you did in the '80's and bring it up in mixed company.
22. Mama's Fish House on Maui deserves all the raves.
23. Many people who say they are looking for a house are flakey (but not my clients).
24. Not everyone has the same work ethic or professional standard I do.
25. We still have a magic carpet with my flight benefits, but we should use it more.
26. Cancer sucks. I already knew that, but each time I lose someone to it, I am reminded how insidious it is.
27. Self-care is underrated and so very important: put on your own oxygen mask before helping those around you.
28. Life is a blessing and opportunities to enjoy it and to prosper are everywhere, no matter what challenges arise. Just open your eyes and your heart.
29. Vin Scully is a national treasure.
30. Old age is always about 10-15 years older than you are.
Wishing you and those you care about a most healthy and prosperous 2015. Seize the day!
Old age is MUCH more that 10-15 years older than I am!! And, by the way, where'd you get those adorable fishies on the left side of your blog??