Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Added incentive

So I've told you about the Weight Watchers and as of last week it was -18.2. Slow and steady. Really, really slow, but beats gaining 18.2.

I wear the same thing to every weigh in. Every one. People at the meeting probably think that's all I own. I don't care. I'll have to change soon as I can now take off the shorts without unbuttoning or unzipping them. But I'll wear them until I have to hold them up.

Today I joined a team of 5 women in a Long Beach weight loss challenge. Apparently someone, somewhere, said that people in Long Beach are fat. Long Beach, California. No offense to my friends who live there or who started life there, but have those same people who called Long Beach fat ever been to Wisconsin? Iowa? Mississippi? Really. I have. I'm telling you, Long Beach is not full of fat people.

Anyway, this challenge is to get Long Beachians/Long Beachers/Long Beachniks to slim down. So we pay $5 a week for the weigh in, we pay an additional $5 if we miss a weigh in AND we pay $2 for every pound or fraction of a pound we gain. The team with the greatest percentage of weight loss wins somewhere around $20,000. SCORE.

You can follow the challenge at and it's called "Long Beach Losers". Our team name is "Winners at Losing". Okay, so I had to come up with a team name on the spot and it's not the most creative, but it will describe us.

Just in case you're wondering, I have no intention of PAYING to gain weight. The additional weekly weigh in also means I can't do the Saturday splurge and still recover for the WW weigh in on Friday or Saturday. No more margarita with guacamole and chips for Friday night dinner after weigh-in. No, now I have to answer for Wednesday, too.

Today I ponyed up my $65 to pay for the whole 13 weeks (commitment!) and stepped on the scale. BUT, I didn't wear my WW weigh in outfit (that weighs 1.8 pounds). Nooooo, I had on a heavy linen blouse and work trousers. Sneaky, eh? NEXT week I'll wear something lighter and then the NEXT week, something lighter still.

Until I have to hold up my clothes.

Monday, August 24, 2009

What should he do?

My husband, who was unceremoniously laid off from his job (three guys in India will be doing his work, namaste), has a new job. This is a very good thing. It doesn't pay quite as much as the old job, but the benefits and security are pretty good. And it pays a whole lot more than no job. A whole lot. So, all and all, this is really pretty good. We get to keep our house, our cars and our lifestyle. See? Good.

He starts September 8th. That's two weeks away. Heck, it was three weeks away from last week when he got the start date.

So, what should he do while he waits? This is pretty much it for any vacation time for the next year as he has to start with only 2 weeks of vacation a year. Soooo, how cool to have two (and it was three) weeks to do ANYTHING you want. What would you do?

Cameron has full flight benefits and a valid passport to go anywhere in the world. Yes, anywhere he can find a seat and he has 21 years of senority (mine) to get him to the front-ish of the line and maybe sit in First Class. He has a long list (the "uber list") of things to do around the house, like finish the bathroom he started remodeling early this year. Or build a fireplace mantle that he was going to do three years ago. He could clean the house, as we let the house cleaner go when he lost his job in April. He could catch up on his Facebook posts and answer those cause and friend requests. He could play golf EVERYDAY if he wanted. He could grocery shop and plan exquisite (WW friendly) meals for his beloved.

What is he doing? Nothing. Oh, he's getting some sleep, watching TV, on the computer, bugging me. Okay, so right this moment he is fixing me dinner. That's good, too.


I'd have a suitcase packed so fast and be out the door like a whirlwind. Here I come Chicago, London, back to Australia, Hawaii, Atlanta, Miami. Heck, I might even visit my new friends in Texas. FREE time off? To do anything and go anywhere??

Men. Don't understand them. But I do appreciate the meals.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

G'Day from a temporary Sheila

One of the many nice things about visiting Australia is they speak English there. Mostly.

It's actually - at times - a lot like the States. Aside from insisting they drive on the left side of the road, but not being able to make up their mind on which side of the sidewalk they should stroll, they use English words as we do, but have very interesting ways of putting them together. Let me share a few idioms used by my friends during our visit, just so you'll know what I'm talking about when they creep-oh-so-naturally into my conversation that won't sound affected at all. Mate.:

"It's a bit 'how's your father (pronounced 'fatha' of course)" - tacky, aging, lipstick on a pig, bawdy, could also mean casual intercourse taken to an extreme. I can't stop using it (not to the extreme) for all and any situation and it's making Cameron nuts. I say it just to say it. He's now insisting on telling me how his father is every time I say it. That won't stop me. I just think he's being a bit how's your father, myself.

"Daggy" - worse than how's your father, it also means a nerd when shortened to "dag". Like Cam. Well, he keeps asking me "Who's your nerd?", so he's my dag.

"Bee's dick" - a very, very, very, teeny, weeny, itsy-bitsy unit of measurement. "The bloody stinga was a bee's dick away from getting me".

"Stinga" - any of the bajillion jellyfish in Australian waters that can - and will - maim and kill you.

"Damper" - it was on a menu and the most I could figure out, it's a biscuit. Really, do I want to eat something called a "damper"? Sounds like a wet nappy. Or something you put dirty clothes in.

"Nappy" - diaper. Wet or dry.

"Tomato sauce" - ketchup. Well, it's descriptive, but not the way we use the term.

"Marinara" - what they *HORRORS* put on nachos (go for the bean mix). And on spaghetti. See, they are a lot like us. When they eat spaghetti.

"Pissing pick handles" - raining really hard. Sounds like it would hurt, too.

"Pegged up" - hung on a clothes line, as in "do you want your wet swimmers pegged up?"

"Swimmers" - bathing suit

"Bonza" - cool!

"Breaky" - also seen spelled "brekky" - breakfast, typically involving eggs and bacon.

"Flat white" - good coffee! Brewed coffee (or espresso) topped with a warm, creamy milk top. Smooth and velvety and mmmmm.

"kip" - a nap, as in "taking another kip, Katie?"

"buoy" - well, same as in the States only they pronounce it "boy"

"Backpackers" - a whole cult of young 20-something travelers that travel the country having way too much fun, carrying all their goods in a backpack and drinking beer. Drinking age is 18 Down Under. One of the backpacking places we passed had rules posted for those staying there. Among the rules? "No nudity in public". Sounds fun. One of the other rules seemed to be the female backpackers were required to wear shorts that were far smaller than any nappy, that required some type of wax treatment and which were unbuttoned in front. Sounds scary.

So, when you ask me about my trip, I'll tell you that I avoided the backpackers and the stingas and that I pegged up my swimmers when I got out of the water. However, I thought I was going to need a nappy when a car coming at me on the left was just a bee's dick away from giving me a permanent kip. All in all, it wasn't the least bit how's your father or daggy, just totally bonza, mate. No worries.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


'Nuff said.

Oh, and I still haven't packed.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


The whole reason I went to work for an airline was to travel. I love to travel. I've loved it since I was a kid. It never gets old.

Tomorrow night we leave for 11 days in Australia. Well, 10 days, as we end up just skipping August 6. Nevermind, we don't need it. We do get to repeat August 16th, though. This is my fourth trip to Australia. One would think that a 15 hour plane ride - in each direction - is not something to look forward to. I can't wait! I'm just so darned excited about it. We might even get 1st Class! I'm watching the clock now. Waiting for it to be 24 hours before departure so I can check in for the flight. I can't wait! I'm bouncing in my seat!

I have almost a full day of sales calls tomorrow, then the flurry of work emails and things to get done before I leave. My brother will pick us up at 8:15 p.m. for our 10:35 p.m. flight.

Oh! It's time to check in!

I think I better pack.

Monday, August 3, 2009

I'm going to bed now

A long time ago I read a story or article about a woman who was going to bed, leaving her husband to watch TV. On her way to bed she did at least a zillion things before she finally crawled between the sheets, only to find her husband sound asleep already.

Is there a woman out there to whom this has not happened?

Last night Cameron was watching TV, flipping through channels. I was ironing every piece of clothing I'm considering taking to Australia (and which will be packed tightly and well wrinkled upon arrival). I finally finished the pile of ironing and told Cameron I was going to go to bed. It was a little after 11:00 p.m. He mumbled or grunted something about watching TV awhile longer.

I put away the clothes, the iron and the ironing board. I checked to make sure the front door was locked and turned out the porch light. I turned out the living room light. I went into the kitchen and checked to make sure the back door was locked. I wiped down a counter. I turned off the light and walked out.

I walked back into the kitchen, turned the light on and set up the coffee maker for the morning. I put out fresh dish towels. I turned off the light and walked out.

I walked back into the kitchen, turned on the light, checked to see how much milk we had for the coffee. I straightened a pile of newspapers. Then I put them in the recycle bin. I walked out of the kitchen, checked to make sure the sliding glass door was locked and walked into the office.

I walked back out of the office to turn the kitchen light off. Before I did, I took a look around, found that the camera battery I had plugged in earlier was charged, but my BlackBerry was not. Turned on the BlackBerry and found a work-related email. Answered it. Turned off the kitchen light and carried the BlackBerry into the office, where I intended to plug it in.

Another email came in, this time a Facebook notice. I sat down at the computer and pulled up Facebook. Checked on my friends, checked on my profile then closed it out and started to turn off the computer, but remembered I needed to check my email. There was a notice there of another Facebook entry. And a notice of a sale at J Jill. Checked out the site. Nothing tonight. Closed out the email, pulled up Facebook again.

Well, as long as I'm on line better check the email, too. Better look at those photos from McKenna's birthday party again, too. Ahhh.... Okay, time for bed.

Got up, turned off the screen, checked the front door, the back door and the slider again. All locked. Turned off all the lights. The house was quiet. And dark except for a bedside lamp in the master bedroom down the hall. Walked into the dark media room. No TV on, no husband watching it. Checked the french door to make sure it was locked. It wasn't. Locked it.

Started down the hall to the bedroom, from where I could hear loud snoring. Remembered I needed something from the dive bag for the trip. Turned on the lights again, got out the dive bag, rummaged through it. Found the item, put everything back in the bag, stowed it and took the item to the vacation staging area, aka the guest room.

Went to bed. Started to turn out the light and remembered the BlackBerry wasn't charging. Got up, plugged in the BlackBerry. Decided to check all the locks again.

Went back to bed. It was 12:30 a.m.